Saturday 29 May 2010

New Sonic Screwdriver Toy Review

Another old post, but exclusive as it is...

Much bigger than its predessesor, and less like a pen, this looks like it does something. At first glance it appears to be a selection of bits and bobs, not unlike the TARDIS itself, yet everything has a purpose.

Four claws illustrate the end, which flip open on 'outstretched' mode (accessable from the long thin button on the handle). It's a nice addition, and they cleverly house the green light at the end. The green tubing runs right through the toy, as you can see if you outsretch it. There's two buttons, one on the black handle section [A], and one at the end [B] (so now you can follow David Tennant's original intruiging manner of handling the device before the prop gainded buttons!) which is generally hidden by a small gold cap, which blends ito the rest of the toy. The button [A] only activates in 'closed' mode, although the small switch that it pushes is viewable among the green tubing. The only thing it looses is that it looks less like a screwdriver than the Tennant model, but that's by no means a bad thing!

The Eleventh Doctor's version of the Who classic is more visually attractive than its predecessor, and has more functionality too (though it still won't open doors!)

RRP 14.99



NB As of 10/04/2010, FP is offering the toy cheaper, but Dr Who Gear had it about a week ago - I was unaware of FP's price, and ordered from Dr Who Gear - recieved it on 09/04/2010. FP and what's apparently the second-biggest Tesco store in the country were awaiting stock on the 14th so where DWG got it from I don't know!

Doctor Whoniverse rating: 4/5

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