Sunday 21 November 2010

What We Know About 'A Christmas Carol' from the trailer, Doctor Who 6.X

We have now seen the trailer for Doctor Who 6.X, A Christmas Carol.

In a grand building in town, a jet of jagged lightening is coming from the top of the roof. Reminds me a bit of The Vampires of Venice...

"What's so special about Christmas?" Here we can see inside the town, and with electric star-shaped lightening, it's a safe bet that this episode is set in the modern day or near future.

Then we see, for the first time, Michael Gambon (Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films), playing a character obviously based on Scrooge from A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens).

A young boy (Vctorian clothes?) walking through an area which looks almost like an undersea base. He looks through a porthole....

Through which he sees a woman. Who could this be? This is probably a room in which people are being kept in suspended animation.

In  his firelit living room, Gambon is sleeping. We have a close-up of the fireplace, from which tumbles the Doctor. However, he doesn't look very happy.This clearly isn'tjust for fun.

Amy announces that time can be rewritten. To which Gambon replies that 'People can't!'

The boy is again in the Stasis room. Here's where it gets interesting:  a shark fin clearly passes by. Earlier this year, the SDaily Star announced that "Even the Doc gets a fright" when a flying shark appears. Everybody scoffed, but maybe for once they may be right?

The boy runs!

In a place akin to the Stasis Room, the Doctor addresses Gambon.

We see images of Amy in her policewoman costume, and Rory as a Roman. Are these flashbacks, or something more?

Next we see a load of people at a table. The room is shaking; clearly there is something going ton and they may be trying to control it.

A close-up of Zoe Tapper.

The stasis room collapses! Somebody is trapped in there...possibly the boy? Some evil-looking man watches on.

The Doctor runs around slowly. This reminds me of the Pandorica shots from The POandorica Opens.

Christmas Time can be rewritten.

The Doctor is in a stasis pod! Maybe he is trapped in there 9in the sroy's culmination. Gambon watches on. Maybe the event that the Doctor talks about is saving the Doctor's life from the pod? Another shark fin passes. Close-ups of Tapper and Gambon.

The Doctor is 'The Ghost of Christmas Past'!

A Christmas Carol - coming Christmas 2010.

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