Saturday 4 December 2010

The Official Doctor Who Website Advent(ure) Calendar

Four days ago, the BBC Website revived their 'Adventure Calendar'. Well, IMHO they bodged it up again. So, the link...well, I suppose we should. Find this year's Adventure Calendar here, or, if you a) want a 'proper' advent calendar or b) want an advent calendar that you can open before 4 o' clock in the afternoon, click here for the 2007 version. (Sorry, the other one was in flash, but has since bee removed. It had cool slidy doors etc.They deleted that one.

However, if you're looking for one this year, be sure to check out this site, or this one.

I hope you've been kept happy by that, but just in case you're still looking for more, Combom has one, as does A Police Box - or of ocurse, stick around 'til tommorrow and find another treat on my Advent Calendar!

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