Sunday 11 July 2010

Final Series Five Ratings

Final ratings are now availiable from BARB which include the 'time-shift' and iPlayer viewings. They are as follows:
The Eleventh Hour -10.08 million

The Beast Below -8.4 million
Victory of the Daleks -8.2 million
The Time of Angels -8.6 million
Flesh and Stone -8.5 million
The Vampires of Venice -7.7 million
Amy’s Choice -7.5m
The Hungry Earth -6.5m
Cold Blood -7.5m
Vincent and the Doctor -6.8m
The Lodger -6.44m
The Pandorica Opens -7.58m
The Big Bang -6.7m

Which was your favourite episode? Please vote in the poll to your right and comment. Thanks!

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