Sunday 11 July 2010

Radio Times Invents More Stories For The Sun To Spin Into Rumours

This time, Eccleston has actually said it. It's interesting he's being honest yet not having the issue at hand I decided to use The Sun's article:

Former Doctor Who Christopher Eccleston says he quit the BBC1 show because he couldn't stand the way the cast and crew were treated.

Eccleston, 46, became the Time Lord when the show was revived in 2004 - but left after one series. At the time, the BBC said he left because he was "tired" and didn't want to be typecast.

But they had to apologise after he said that was not true. He told Radio Times: "They handled it very badly but issued an apology."

Eccleston said of playing the Doctor: "I didn't enjoy the environment and the culture that we, the cast and crew, had to work in. I wasn't comfortable. I thought: 'If I stay in this job, I'm going to have to blind myself to certain things that I thought were wrong.' I think it's more important to be your own man than be successful."

Eccleston, who stars as John Lennon in new BBC4 drama Naked Lennon [sic] next week, was replaced as Doctor Who by David Tennant.

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