Thursday 9 December 2010

Advent Calendar Day Nine: The Season 6b theory

The season 6b theory is that the Second Doctor actually had another series of adventures after his trial. He escaped, and had a set of other stories that have been seen or refferred to. This is my take on it.

After the Doctor was put on trial by the Time Lords, quite a few other stories happened:

1. Return to Earth
The Doctor is exiled to Earth.

2. The Three Doctors
The Doctor meets his Third self and sees the First Doctor on the TARDIS scanner.

3. The Monster From Space
Meeting Jamie and the Brigidier again, the Doctor has to save the world from the terrible Zodin, a creature that hops like a kangeroo.

4. Attack of the Daleks
Thinking that the Brigidier is dead, the Doctor has to fight the Daleks again.

5. The Two Doctors
Meeting up with his Sixth self, the Doctor fights Sontarans.

6. The Aliens
Jamie is found by the Time Lords, who wipe his mind and return him to Earth. The Doctor just escapes - but he knows that his appearance will change soon...

7. The Five Doctors
The Doctor meets his First, Next, and Fifth selves and the Brigidier, who is not dead. Fake ghosts of Jamie and Victoria also appear.

8. The Dillema
The Doctor finds himself confronted by the Time Lords - and is forced to change his appearance...

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